What would you and your company do if you found out that the customers you currently have will be your last.Customer Focus

No more new customers!

Would you treat them differently?

Our Most Important Generation

Back in March, Seth Godin published a post “No More Kids?

He posed the question “What in some sort of sci-fi solar flare cataclysm, it was impossible for humans to have more kids?”

“No more babies.”

What a horrible thought!

His point was, would we treat our last generation, “our youngest students” differently if we knew they were the last.

Would we do everything we could do to make sure we did things right for this last generation?

Would we make sure to be there for them in times of need?

Would we see they were provided every opportunity to be the best?

I believe we would.

I think we would name this last generation the “Most Important” generation instead of calling them  X, Y or Z generation.

Our Most Important Customers

Seth went on to ask, what if you knew you would never have a new customer?

What if you were faced with no chance of new prospects, competitors aggressively soliciting your customers (probably the case already), and your company and your family’s future resting solely on your current customers?

Would you treat your customers differently?

If you intend to remain in business I suspect you would begin to do things much differently.

Talk about being focused!

I can only imagine.

Would you dare make another unprepared sales call?

  • Not if your life depended on it!

How about customer service?

  • Service Excellence would replace Customer Service.

What about on-time deliveries?

  • Never late – never sorry!

What about inventory and inventory turns? 

  • Would turns really matter?


Would you not focus completely on building trust, providing value and growing strong relationships that would last under any circumstance?

I guess what I’m trying to ask “What would be the “importance” of you last customers?“

Maybe said better, “Are you currently providing them the same service and value  you would if they were your last?”

Seth Godin ended his post with this sentence:

“What happens when we treat children and customers like maybe, just maybe, they’re the last chance we get to get it right.”

Please leave a comment below or email me and let me know:

What would you change or do differently if you knew your current customers may be your last?

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Now let’s get out there and over-deliver!