In last month’s tip, I discussed using Google Search to help learn more about your customers.Sales Tips

This month, I would like to help you automate the search process once you have identified industries and customers you are interested in following.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is an application that will email you when Google finds results that match your search terms in the future.

From the Google Alerts web page, people use alerts to:

  • find out what is being said about their company or product
  • monitor developing news
  • keep up with a competitor or industry
  • find our what’s being said about themselves

So to get started, go to Google Alerts and enter the term or phrase you want to monitor in the search query. The more specific you can be the better. You may need to experiment with the search terms to get the results you are wanting.

Once the alert or alerts are set up you will receive an email when Google finds results from your query.

I would suggest setting up queries for customers and industries you are directly involved with.

You may want to include a search with your company name.

You should also setup a search with “your” name so you will know if you are mentioned in any web articles or in the social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

There have been some discussions that Google may be discontinuing Google Alerts in the future but for now it still works.

Thank you for taking time to read this post. If you would like, please leave a comment below or you can email me at

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Now let’s get out there and over-deliver!