Are you accomplishing the Goals you set at the first of the year?Goal Plan

It’s been a couple of months since we established our yearly goals. If you think back to December we began thinking about the things we really wanted to accomplish in 2014. In the post “Much to be Done” I asked you to think about goals that would require you to stretch your efforts and do things differently than you have done in the past.

To think about:

* Goals that can and would make a difference in you and your families lives. 

* Goals that would help build long lasting relationships with customers and co-workers. 

* Goals that will help you improve and become the person you want to be.

Then in January in the post “Goals and Plans” we discussed putting our goals into a written plan. We know that we are much more likely to achieve our goals if we write our goals down, create a plan to reach these goals and share them with those we trust.

There were those who were struggling with this process, so I recommended an article “Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting” by Michael Hyatt at on the goal setting process and setting Smart Goals. Michael seems to be the current go-to guy on goals and goal setting. If you look at his success and the way he credits much of his success to setting Smart Goals you can quickly see why he is considered the expert.

With all that said, now is the time the rubber hits the road.

Are you on track to reach your Goals?

If so, Congratulations!

If not, Why?

Scenario #1 

Has something changed that makes the goals you set not goals anymore? (Unlikely but Possible) 

If this is the case, set new goals that reflect the changes. Goals are not set in stone. Things change as do your goals. However, be careful not to change goals just because they are hard to achieve. The main idea with goals is to help you stretch what you think you are capable of doing and make the differences in your life you desire.

Jamie Tardy in her new book “The Eventual Millionaire” says your goal should be:

“… big enough to be scary, hard enough to matter, and exciting enough to really commit to-no matter what. If you don’t feel strongly enough about your goal, change it.”

Scenario #2

You put in the effort to create your goals along with the plan to achieve them. Heck, you even shared them with those you trust. But you’ve gotten busy and haven’t reviewed or thought about your goals since. (Much more Likely) 

I have just finished reading Jamie Tardy’s new book “The Eventual Millionaire” that I mentioned earlier. In the book she interviewed more than a hundred millionaires in an attempt to find the common denominators that makes them who they are. One thing that most of those she interviewed was their ability to focus and move forward to achieve goals and things they felt were most important.

Ms. Tardy quotes author and marketing guru Dan Miller – “The reward is not in setting goals, that’s the starting point. The real reward is in achieving them. So have clear plans for how you are going to achieve your goals.”

It is my hope that the Goals you set and plans you developed fall into the category of “most important”. Please look back at the beginning of this post. You set goals that would make a difference in you and your families lives. Goals that would build long lasting relationships and help you become the person you want to be. I can’t think of many things more important.

Action Plan to get back on Track

1. Take some time this week to review your goals and plans and focus on getting back on track. This may take setting aside a time, turning off your phone, finding a quite place, shutting the door and focusing on what you need to do to get back on track.

2. Remember, setting your goals was just the beginning of the process.

3. Pick the most important goal and laser focus on achieving that goal.

4. Ask yourself “Am I really committed to achieving this goal?”

5. If so, identify or confirm the actions needed to reach your goal.

6. Develop an action plan that requires you to ask yourself each day “Am I doing the things to help me move forward in reaching my goal?” 

You can begin focusing on the other goals once you’re back on track.

The key is consistently doing the things that keep you moving forward.

Now follow your Plan! 

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Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Now let’s get out there and over-deliver!